The temperature of the Arctic Ocean can reach 32 degrees F in the summer and -22 degrees F in the winter. The report estimated that the air temperature at the surface of the Arctic in 2019-20 was 19C.
The warmest water temperature Arctic Ocean now is 34C381F in Kirkenes and the coldest sea surface temperature today is -18C288F in Prudhoe Bay.
Arctic ocean average temperature. Current Arctic Ocean water temperature map. According to the University of Maines Climate Reanlayzer this weekend the Arctic Circle was an average 12 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. Mean sea-surface temperatures in the Arctic Ocean in August were 1 degree to 3 degrees Celsius above the 1982-to-2010 average the report said with exceptionally warm temperatures seen in the.
Average temperatures of the Arctic Surface Water range from 286 F to 302 F the Atlantic Water has an average temperature of 374 F and Arctic Deep Water has a temperature range of between 306 F to 356 F. The temperature profile is nearly uniform at 0 to 1C in the Arctic Ocean but the salinity increases slightly with depth especially at 10-100 m below the surface. Last year was the first time the global average temperatures were 1 degree Celsius or more above the 1880-1899 average.
The temperature must reach 18 C 288 F before freezing occurs. Like all of the worlds oceans global warming has had a significant impact on the Arctic Ocean. A sheet of ice covers the ocean for much of the year and from October to June it is ice locked.
In winter the temperature averages from 30 to 35 C. Since the year 2000 Arctic temperatures have consistently been above the 19812010 average and nine of the last 10 years have seen temperatures at least 18F 1C above that average. Arctic Ocean coastal surface water temperature Sea water temperature all along the Arctic Ocean coast is not yet warm enough for swimming and does not exceed 20C68F.
It could experience a long period of continuous sunlight or long period of no sunlight. In recent years scientists have measured dwindling ice cover as record high temperatures inch up and up. Arctic Ocean consists of saltwater but its salinity is less than other oceans.
This is not just one location but the average of all. The Arctic Oceans surface temperature and salinity vary seasonally as the ice cover melts and freezes. The presence of this halocline is.
Over October 2019September 2020 according to the Arctic Report Card the annual average surface air temperature for land areas between 60N and 90N was 34F 19C above the 19812010 average. Record warm temperatures in the Eurasian Arctic were associated with extreme conditions in the ocean and on the land. Summer sea surface temperatures SSTs in the Arctic Ocean are set by absorption of solar radiation into the surface layer.
In the Barents and Chukchi seas there is an additional contribution from advection of warm water from the North Atlantic and Pacific oceans respectively. Annual average 2-m temperature anomalies in the Arctic 67N for various reanalysis data sets. In winter this relatively warm water even though covered by the polar ice pack keeps the North Pole from being the coldest place in the Northern Hemisphere and it is also part of the reason that Antarctica is so much colder than the Arctic.
As such the climate of much of the Arctic is moderated by the ocean water which can never have a temperature below 2 C 28 F. The summer temperature mainly influences the Arctic ocean temperature. Anomalies are calculated from a 1981-2010 baseline.
Ice covers most of the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is experiencing some of the worlds most drastic warming from climate change. The average annual land surface air temperature north of 60 N for October 2019-September 2020 was the second highest on record since at least 1900.
Its salinity is the lowest on average of the five major oceans due to low evaporation heavy fresh water inflow from rivers and streams and limited connection and outflow to surrounding oceanic waters with higher salinities. GISS Surface Temperature Analysis GISTEMP is available from 1880 to 2019 at httpsdatagissnasagovgistemp. Phenomena such as El Nino or La Nina which warm or cool the tropical Pacific Ocean can contribute to short-term variations in global average temperature.
When compared with 1981-2010 data it was found to be higher than the recorded average.
Royal Mom
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Diamond Capital Switzerland . Diamond Capital Management (Switzerland) Pte. Ltd. ("Diamond Capital"), formerly named Nutrime...