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In their most basic forms personnel generally refers. Personnel management refers to the functions that many employers now refer to as Human Resources.

Difference Between Human Resource Management And Personnel Management

Both HRM vs Personnel Management assumptions also differ personnel management assume that unlike other resources even HR is an input to achieve the desired output for the company.

Personnel and human resource management. The management of men. In one nutshell we can say human resource management deals with human being as a resource in production activity rather than an employee. The terms personnel and human resources have somewhat overlapping definitions because they both fundamentally refer to the same people.

Significant difference exists between personnel management and human resource management in terms of scope approach and application. Is for Tertiary Human Resources Management published by Rex Book Store. HRM basically deals with developing personnel management skills.

Personnel management was an administrative oriented function basing itself of Taylors scientific management approach. Personnel Management treats workers as tools or machines whereas Human Resource Management treats it as an important asset of the organization. However as per HRM human resource is the most important and the most valuable resource to help you achieve the desired organizational goals.

In Personnel Management the basis of job design is the division of work while in the case of Human Resource Management employees are divided into groups or teams for performing any task. The line of difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management is subtle. On the other hand Human Resources Management deals with the management of the work force and contributes to an organizations success.

It combines physical energies and their strengths with human competencies. The latter decades of the 20th century witnessed the evolution of human resource management as distinct from personnel management. Human resource management integrates the traditional personnel management functions to corporate goals and strategies and performs additional people-centered organizational developmental activities.

Though personnel management and human resource management can be differentiated academically more or less they deal with human aspect of the organization ie. It is Human Resources Management that develops a team of employees for an organization. Arena of human resource management has been widening with the increase of importance of employees who are core for running any business.

While the scope of personnel management is limited and has an inverted approach wherein workers are viewed as toolHere the behavior of the worker can be manipulated as per the core competencies of the organization and are replaced when they are worn-out. 2 Human Resource Management. Personnel and Human Resources Management by Medine RG.

Human resource management is focused more on long-term planning where organizations develop and train their employees for the future benefit of the company where Personnel management is focused on the short-term planning where employees are treated just as commodities and arent given any or slim training in their respective field In the planning process human resource management focuses. Personnel Management prefers a structure that is bureaucratic which means that it always follows any decisions and they normally think they are always true so they are said to be a defined role in their job and Human Resource Management is a more organic and flexible role because Human Resource Management creates a good team work and they can help employees feel comfortable in their work as. HRM concentrates on the planning monitoring and control aspects of resources whereas Personnel Management was largely about mediating between the management and employees.

Personnel management is concerned with personnel manager. Personnel management and human resource management are both involved in managing the members of an organization and engage in similar activities including staffing job analysis planning. In PM the negotiations are based on collective bargaining with the union leader.

Human resource management is a strategic. Personnel management is a routine function. However the origins of human resource management dates to the industrial revolution when factory owners established a department to look into.

These are the functions that Human Resources perform relative to the organization s. Many experts view Personnel Management as being workforce centered whereas HRM is resource centered. Human resource management is a modern approach of managing people at workplace which focuses on acquisition development utilization and maintenance of human resource.

The main difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management lies in their scope and orientation. Human resource management focuses on effectiveness culture productivity and employees participation. Human resource management is concerned with all level of managers from top to bottom.

Robert Owen is regarded as the father of personnel management- Human resource management Vs Personnel management Human resource management has changed a lot for the past 100 years.